Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Challenge Week #3: Success Can Be Habit-Forming

It's been said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Well, by the end of this week we will have completed 21 days of focusing on strength, flexibility, and body fat! Are you feeling new habits starting to form? Here are some ways to ingrain habits into your day no matter what your goal may be.

Start small. Focus on changing just one habit a time. Start with the easiest and go from there!

Write it down. We learned how to write great goals in our goal-setting session, but if you need a refresher, just ask!

Know your motivations. What got you started? Revisit that place often!

Identify your triggers, and choose ahead of time a positive response you’re going to do instead of the one you're trying to avoid.
Get rest. Will power is more of a muscle than a skill, and it needs rest. Pay attention to when you feel your resolve wavering, and take a small break. Then, get back into the game!

If you fail, figure out what went wrong, plan for it, and try again.

What are you doing today to ingrain healthier habits? Set a reminder on your phone to stretch, schedule your strength workouts on your calendar, and start logging your meals ahead of time in www.MyFitnessPal.com each evening for the next day. The more consistently you do the things that lead to success, the sooner they will become part of how you live your life.

Remember, every journey has a detour or two, and u-turns are allowed! Keep making progress and letting better health become a habit!

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